Feedback update (yes, I take these seriously!)

Someone told me that they were confused why I was moving to Oakland & that living there (instead of Berkeley) was going to bottleneck my impact. To clarify both why I'm moving to Oakland and how I'm thinking around the impact rationale behind my move to the Bay Area, I wrote up a GDoc.

EDIT: Thinking about some feedback I got on the doc and I want to taboo “impact” as a justification. Unless I’m joking, if I say I want to do something for “impact” and don’t provide a theory of change for the action, if you point this out to me then I will give you $5. This will hold until January 1, 2023.

Someone told me that they were confused why I was moving to Oakland & that living there (instead of Berkeley) was going to bottleneck my impact.

To clarify both why I’m moving to Oakland and how I’m thinking around the impact rationale behind my move to the Bay Area, I wrote up this doc (per their suggestion).

Also, y’all, I’m disappointed that this is the most critical thing I’ve received. If something is preventing you from leaving me critical feedback, let me know anonymously! Let’s fix this!

(FWIW, I think a stronger criticism emerges from this feedback that I got, which is something like - “right now, you’re not a good enough community builder to be impactful. This could be resolved if you lived in Berkeley.” I would be interested in further exploring this, if I got feedback on why I’m not a good enough community builder)

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