Want to test your fit for AI technical safety research with me?

An open call to my non-technical (and technical, if you enjoy watching your friend(s) struggle) friends to spend a day testing our fits for AISTR!

I’m open to a variety of options, whether a couple hours over several days or a weekend ‘retreat!’ (I’m kind of psyched about the retreat option, which is probably just crashing a group house)

I keep saying that ‘I should (and will) test my fit for AI technical research,’ but actually doing this seems increasingly aversive. So, here’s an open call to my non-technical (and technical, if you enjoy watching your friend(s) struggle) friends to spend a day testing our fits for AISTR!

I was thinking we could try finding solutions for ELK or follow Holden Karnofsky’s advice in this post: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/.../important

(context: me having blocked out the entire day to do this, and feeling worried I’m going to give up halfway through)

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